It's good to be back. Now I get to bug you with all of my:


Images. :D The images above were taken in Gold Canyon, AZ. I tagged along with Vanesa Ruiz ( on one of her photo sessions, and I'm sooo glad that I did. While she worked with her clients, I just roamed around and found interesting objects to capture...

ENDLESS cactu--- umm... CACTI.

... and BIRD on a wire.

Family... how are they?
Kids are all doing well!! Most of them are taller than me now... and a couple of them are just a tad on the "omg, you're almost adults" side.
I blinked. That's what happens when you're a mommy of wee little ones, and you blink. They get taller, more sassy, and I'm loving every minute of it.
Daughter #1 will be SIXTEEN in a matter of weeks~!! How INSANE is that!? She's really into writing music and performing her songs in front of everyone... the girl has no shy bone in her body. I've learned how to resist the urge to puke all over the place whenever she performs on stage. If she isn't nervous, why the heck am I?! Right??

My son is now 14, and he is SO tall. I thought I was tall. No, wait... I USED to be tall. Now he pats me on the head and is able to reach those high places when I'm too lazy to grab a chair to stand on. And UGH... there's girls. You know, those "Omg, let's go hang out at the skate park!" girls? Yeah, them. They totally like him. He's still into drumming, but he's also shown his talent in playing the guitar as well! He learns how to play by watching instructions on YOUTUBE. Ok? He's amazing, and even though his older sister gets a little irritated because the guitar is "her thing..." I'll still listen to him play.

Daughter #3 is going to be 13 in January! She's not a little girl anymore. It's so weird because she was the one who stayed a "baby" for the longest time because she was a preemie. Now that she's growing up into this gorgeous young lady, we're all trying to put her hair back into pigtails and telling her to just wait a little bit longer. We're not ready for her to grow up just yet. She's still our dancing queen and continues to blow us away with her "groovy skillz".

And FINALLY, daughter #4. Those of you who've followed me over the years ALL REMEMBER my youngest. Nothing much has changed. *lol* Although I must say she's turning out to be quite the dancer and is following her older sister's lead with the ... uhhh... "groovy skillz." She's still keeping us all on our toes, but life wouldn't be the same if she changed, you know?

Anyway, be sure to visit me on my website:
Take care!!